

越是把自己看得很平凡,The more you see yourself as ordiary,越是能够精确的给自己定位;The more accurately you ca positio yourself;越是能把自己的心态放低,The more you ca lower

19.7 子夏曰:“百工居肆以成其事,君子学以致其道。”(19.7) 7. Tzu-hsia said, To master the hudred trades, appretices work i a shop; by learig, a getlema fids his wa

中考英语总复习(续:第10集)四,让步状语从句要点五,目的状语从句要点让步状语从句的常用引导词为: though 和 although ,例如: Though he is youg , he kows a lot about sciece . Although she is ol

高中每日练习,1._____ meet his sister at the airport, he had to get up early.A.So as to B.I order to C.So that D.I order that2.—Does David ofte co

Two summers ago, whe my daughter was 19, I was givig her a ride to work oe morig. She was ruig late, so I stopped what I was doig i order

华慧考博,考博英语每日一练(3.9)考博加油!1. A good scietist _______ito all aspects of a problem i order to fid solutios.A. pricksB. pokesC. probesD. peers


Do you have ay difficulties while studyig? I fact, to lear with success is ot a very difficult task if you follow some basic rules. I hope they w

