
undertake an action翻译(undertakings翻译)

7.11 子谓颜渊曰:“用之则行,舍之则藏,惟我与尔有是夫。” 子路曰:“子行三军,则谁与?” 子曰:“暴虎冯河,死而不悔者,吾不与也。必也临事而惧,好谋而成者也。”(7.11) VII.10. Le Ma224; Ie Iue :

The best preparatio for tomorrow is doig your best today This old sayig has become as ew as ever ad ca still apply i may cases today Becaus

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特别推荐:十大美国总统名言我特别喜效读美国总统的名言!每一句都铿锵有力,振奋人心,充分体现了作为世界上最强大国家领导人的口才、胆识与智慧!每天朗读和彻底背诵十条美国总统名言,不仅能提高你的英语水平,更能培养你的领袖气质!1. Udertake ot what you caot per
